
Monday, October 5, 2015

Taco Tuesday

Kierrah and Bella 
Every Tuesday is Taco Tuesday at my mom’s.  We choose Tuesday because it was the only day were the majority of my family are able to get together for dinner. My mom makes a dish involving tacos. Most of the time it’s tacos with different kinds of meat, but we also do tortilla soup or enchiladas. Since my brothers and I and our cousins are 21 or older the requirements for us are we all bring beer (preferably Not Your Father's Root Beer) or wine to share, extras have to stay and we all enjoy the food. My mom is very big on seeing everyone on a regular basis instead of just holidays and it’s a good and fun way to see everyone without the stresses that come with holidays.

My daughters, my little sister, my little cousin and nephews range from two to eight and they all look forward to Taco Tuesdays. I think its cute when they all see each other how all their faces light up when they’re all playing. The kids even have their own kid table and none of them let any parents sit at their table.

Taco Tuesday goes well with my blog topic in the sense about food.  Since my youngest is very picky about only eating chicken, yes we do lie about the taco meat when it’s really not chicken.  Like chicken steak, ground beef chicken, chicken tilapia. Good thing since she’s only five and still pretty gullible. 

Does anyone else have a day of the week where you get together with family?